On the Saturday after our anniversary, the kids went away with my parents on a camping trip. Daniel and I lazily started the day. The weather was very nice. I read in the garden in the sunshine while Daniel did some work on the lawn (vertikutieren, to be precise).

In the afternoon, we drove to Hasselbrook, from where we started a bike tour through parts of the Hafencity we hadn’t visited before. Kind of the very first stop was for Fischbrötchen, coffee and cake.

After that we had a lovely, leisurely time exploring by bike. It was actually quite nice to have no kids in tow for a change.

We then went to Jungfernstieg where we ditched the bikes and strolled around a bit before meeting with our Trauzeugen Merit and Thomas (and Melanie, too, of course) at the Vlet kitchen and bar restaurant. Merit even brought me flowers and they had a present for us, too. Ein solarbetriebenes leuchtendes Weckglas mit kleinen Zetteln drin… Although we waited quite some time for our food, it was fun to be together and the food was very good. I especially enjoyed Merit’s signature bursts of laughter and Thomas‘ enthusiasm as he talked about his new job.

Afterwards we went together on a walk along the Alster to the location of our wedding celebration 15 years ago. I had suggested this earlier and our friends were very enthusiastic about that even after our long meal. I love them! And I love the Binnen- and Außenalster at night with all the pretty lights!

On the way back to the car I bought a Sprite – the first time I ever bought something at a Nachttankstelle, as far as I remember :-)

Back home, we went to bed and read all the little sweet messages our friends had put into the mason jar for us. That was really special :-)