116395 (7.45 am) I train myself in getting up earlier these days, because my written exam on saturday starts at the time I normally get up (9 am). Last time, I just went from getting up at 9 am to getting up at half past seven on the day of the exam (Germanistik) and my…
Autor: Anna
A very cosy, everyday evening
Yesterday I had a very nice evening. After about four and a half hours of studying in the Anglistik library, I came home at half past eight. I then spent some time on the sofa, reading, I think. After a while Daniel and I had cheese fondue for dinner, which might not be the most…
My day in pictures
116389 ‚cause I am lazy and a little bit disillusioned (spent about an hour cooking for my scout leader meeting just to find out that its not this, but next sunday :-( Not pictured: going to church, where I met my lovely family watching birds while waiting for the train at Trabrennbahn: 116365 116359 (this…
Rügen: The magic of ice crystals
116073 The day of my written English exam is nearing, so I decided to write in English on Schwertfisch until it is over. Thus I hopefully will come in a „writing mood“ more easily when it is necessary :-) Surely I won’t write on a academic level here, but a little practice is always a…
Handmade with love: Christmas presents 2008
115997 – not really handmade and not shown: A photobook with photos by me for my dad – handmade but not shown: A beanbag for my photographer husband For my „little“ sister the Uhren-Lover: 115985 115988 For my little sister „mit dem Igel im Herzen“: 115991 115994 For my Mama: 116005 116008 116011 116001
Wo wir waren
115710 115713 (Thomas, please appreciate the alliteration in the title ;-) Nachdem wir sehr nette, entspannte Weihnachtstage mit unseren Familien verbringen durften und noch dazu sehr netten Jahresendbesuch bekommen hatten, sind wir für eine Woche mit vier weiteren Erwachsenen und zwei Babys hierhin gefahren: 115703 115707 115716 115722 115725 115728 Ja, tatsächlich, wir waren auf…