120952 Taken yesterday in Planten un Blomen. There’s a bigger version in my gallery.
Autor: Anna
A wonderful Picknick
120906 120919 Lisa und Basti haben mir zum Geburtstag einen Essen-wie-und-was-und-wo-du-willst-Gutschein geschenkt. Meine Entscheidung war schnell klar: Ich wollte ein Picknick! Und zwar am besten irgendwo im Grünen, wo ich noch nicht war. Mit ein bisschen Wasser in der Nähe. Wir haben uns dann für den Öjendorfer Park entschieden und gestern sind wir zu viert…
Class of 2009 ;-)
120811 University graduation day
What I am up to this week
1. Buying an absolutely beautiful book with a voucher I got for my birthday 120871 2. Testing out my cute new cookie cutters (present from my parents) 120878 120881 And Eva, I even managed to make cookies with the seahorse-cutter! 120884 3. Testing out my new box of watercolours (Thank you, Lisa and Basti!) 120875…
My wonderful birthday party
120867 Thank you-card for my guests 120633 120639 120645 120657 120663 Decoration :-) 120654 120660 Food: 120756 120792 Some of my lovely guests: 120576 120723 120759 120573 120702 Late at night in the kitchen: 120624 Games in the garden 120609 120738 120744 120783 …simply a beautiful evening. It made me so happy. 120747
Pictures from a wonderful and exciting weekend – Part I
Nearly no words today, I still need to relax and revel in remembering the last two days :-) 120821 120827 120839 My parents gave me a beautiful necklace for my university graduation. I think one can see how surprised and happy I was. Actually it was also quite nice to receive the diploma with the…