121618 …flowers on my desktop :-) … that we seem to have finally settled into a cleaning routine. Our kitchen has been clutter-free for weeks and I really enjoy it. 121622 …listening to my Wös telling excitedly how much fun they had at summercamp :-) …meeting friends, especially those I hadn’t seen for what feels…
Autor: Anna
I love…
121612 … embroidery 121615 The handstitching is so calming and lovely. A lot like meditation. Knitting is good for that too :-) And I love the vivid colours of the embroidery floss. What are you loving these days?
I love…
121600 121606 …braiding my beautiful sister’s hair 121603 She really has baby hair, so fine and soft :-) 121609 Love you, girlie!
I love…
121564 …my little sister (although she is quite a bit taller than me :-) 121567 121582 …and the Isemarkt 121579 121576 …visiting the Isemarkt with my little sister :-) 121557 …buying flowers and quirky buttons 121570 121585 121591 121594 121597 edited: Die Blumen sind sogar bio! Hier die toll gestaltete homepage.
I love…
121553 …this song. Maybe I am a bit biased because of its name. I happen to know a very lovely Amelie, too, you know :-) And I am really looking forward to seeing her wonderful parents tomorrow night.
*breathing in the beauty*
121519 121523 121526 121532 121535 121538 121541 121544 121547 Botanischer Garten Klein Flottbek 121550 Jenisch-Park